MONDAY, January 27th: Hawaiian Day
Coronation starts at 1:30pm in the Auditorium
Doors open to the public at 1:00pm
Coronation will be live streamed by TBD
The first Medallion clue will be announced at the end of Coronation. Winner gets $50 to the Otter Outlet!
TUESDAY, January 28th: Dress to Impress (Business Casual to Formal)
Royalty day!
Royalty dismissed at 8:20am
Medallion Clue #2 released today
WEDNESDAY, January 29th: Crazy Hat and Anything But a Backpack
This is the Coronation Make-up Day in the event of bad weather on Monday
Medallion Clue #3 released today
THURSDAY, January 30th: Throwback Thursday (Any Decade Day)
No scheduled activities
Medallion Clue #4 released today
FRIDAY, January 31st: Jersey Day and Sport You Don't Play Day
Medallion Clue #5 (final clue) released today
Snow Olympics will be starting at 1:00pm in the Gold Gym. Our plan is for ALL Royalty to be involved the Royalty Olympics. This will last from 1:00 - 1:30 and students will then be allowed to attend the events/activities of their choice for the remainder of the school day.
Staff Supervised activities may include (weather conditions permitting): Boot Hockey, Basketball, Movie in Auditorium, Dodgeball, and Open Gym, Open Skating at Community Arena (North Rink), various clasroom activities, or Swimming Pool at KSS.